1. What makes you happiest? 
Time without pressing responsibility.

2. What is your greatest fear?
Losing the people whom I love.

3. If you knew you only had one day to live, how would you spend it? 
I would spend it in interactive activities with my wife and daughter.

4. What are you most looking forward to in the future? 
Time without pressing responsibility

5. Who is your favorite writer?
John Shelby Spong

6. What is your most treasured possession? 
My hard drive.

7. What is your favorite quote? 
"The goals to which I've committed myself to make full use of the time available to me."

8. What living celebrity do you most admire? 
Stephen Colbert

9. What living celebrity do you most despise? 
Fred Phelps, Sr.

10. Where would you most like to live? 
The United States

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    Pop culture and fashion magazine Vanity Fair features a unique, interactive "Proust Questionnaire," which asks the famous and the infamous to answer some of life's most important questions. Our mission is to ask a similar type of questionnaire to the people in our lives. What was the greatest moment in your life? What do you most fear? These types of questions lend much interesting personal information. Get to know Lebanon Valley College staff, students, and faculty through the Proust Questionnaire!


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

