Public Safety Supervisor Brian Boyer answers the Proust Questionnaire:

1. What are you most looking forward to in the future?
Since I am not one for planning or having goals that are further than a year out, I think I am most interested in where I will be and what my daily activities will be (ex. Jobs, family etc)

2. Who is your favorite fictional hero?
Dr. House.... That man cracks me up. there are some many times when life and people don't always act the way we feel they should, but as professionals we respond and communicate with them in a calm and collected professional manner. But House just tells you how it is and what he feels, and if you dont like it, tough. I am kinda jealous I can't be more like that.

3. When was the happiest moment in your life?
The day I got hired at LVC...Joking.. I think the happiest day of my life was when we were told that my son's seizures were temporary and there was nothing long term or serious. We were originally told it was caused by a brain disorder, which turned our lives upside down.

4. Who are the people you look up to as heroes?
My uncle and my father would have to be the only people I really look up to. Both of these men were faced with big obstacles and were never really given the chances normal people get. But both have pushed through and with determination have become successful business owners and proud family men.

5.Who is your favorite musician?
OMG. I have absolutely know idea. I like all music, styles, new, old etc. I guess Toby Keith since his songs seem relatable. But I can tell you that my least favorite musician is whoever came up with the song for Barney "I love you, you love me....." I hate that song.

6. What do you most value in friendships?
I most value when my friends are supportive. As I get older and time doesn't allow for "hangin out," my circle of friends turned in more towards a counseling group. Problems with money, family, jobs etc. all get passed at each other. New ideas like career changes, relationships, etc. all are items we rely on each for help with.

7. What is your most treasured possession?
I am not really a material person. I don't care much for things. Everything breaks or gets lost or stolen. But I can say I treasure my children most of anything in the world.

8. What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear would have to be failure. I have always succeeded in everything I have put my mind to. Failure has always been a huge fear no matter what I am trying to accomplish. To fail as a father, fail to provide for my family, fail my friends, and fail my myself are all things that I fear.

9. Which talent would you most like to have?
Musical. With working 2 full time jobs and also owning 2 businesses I am stressed to say the least. Music helps me relax. I think if I could play an instrument or sing or something it would be a great hobby to help relax.

10. Where would you most like to live?
Alaska.. I would love to live in Alaska. Secluded, peaceful, beautiful, etc. What is there not to like about the great outdoors and total seclusion from the rest of the world?

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    Pop culture and fashion magazine Vanity Fair features a unique, interactive "Proust Questionnaire," which asks the famous and the infamous to answer some of life's most important questions. Our mission is to ask a similar type of questionnaire to the people in our lives. What was the greatest moment in your life? What do you most fear? These types of questions lend much interesting personal information. Get to know Lebanon Valley College staff, students, and faculty through the Proust Questionnaire!


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

